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Exploring the Evolution of
Flexible Workforce Models by 2030


The world of work is ever-evolving, but it has been dramatically changing in recent years.

New work models, the big resignation, geopolitical tensions, and new technologies have been
disrupting markets and industries at an increasingly growing speed and in ways that have never been witnessed before. 

How can leaders
stay ahead of the curve by responding to the changes that are taking place? And how can they be the drivers of changes themselves?
How can they
shape the future of work according to their values, needs, and goals?


How will flexible workforce models 
evolve in the next 5 years?

In May 2023, Wikistrat partnered with Upwork in running an online simulation in which a crowd of 15 experts collaborated to share scenarios and ideas on how flexible workforce models would evolve by 2030.

The simulation consisted of three phases:


Each participant developed a scenario for flexible workforce models in 2030.

The participants collaborated with fellow experts to strengthen the scenarios by adding insights based on their own unique perspectives.

The participants answered questions related to how flexible workforce models would evolve by 2030.

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