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Wikistrat’s Key Trends in the Middle East – September 2021

Updated: Sep 20, 2023

In this month’s survey, Wikistrat experts have pointed to key trends to watch in September in the Middle East. These focus on the implications of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and the fall of Kabul, the potential of radicalization, changes in relations with the US, and potential jeopardizing factors regarding Libya’s elections Click here to read the full report:

Key Trends in the Middle East in September 2021
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In this month's survey, Wikistrat's experts shared their assessments of six topics:

Key trends in the Gulf

  • Will the US withdrawal from Afghanistan shift Gulf states’ foreign policies toward the nascent Taliban government?

  • To what extent are GCC governments worried that the fall of Kabul to the Taliban will embolden radicalization trends in the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia in particular?

Key trends in Jordan

  • How will the US withdrawal and ensuing Taliban takeover impact Jordan’s relations with the US? How does the US withdrawal from Afghanistan impact Washington’s image in Jordan?

Key trends in Turkey

  • As a key player in providing security for Kabul’s international airport, what kind of role can Turkey play in the ongoing transition?

Key trends in North Africa

  • What are the expected key events in the next month that have the potential to undermine the political process and/or jeopardize Libya’s December elections?

Key trends in Egypt

  • What are Egypt’s key concerns in the aftermath of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan? How will the withdrawal impact US-Egypt relations in the coming month?

Click here to read the full report:

Key Trends in the Middle East in September 2021
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Click here to read the full report:

Key Trends in the Middle East in September 2021
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