The joint NYU-Wikistrat simulation, which will run from December 1 to December 25, aims to predict the key risks to global stability in 2020.
Given current trends and possible shock events, what will be the likely risks - threats to stability – around the world? Will we see a resurgence in ISIS activity abroad as the terrorist group loses more ground in Syria and Iraq? Will the 2020 US election lead to a more unstable world order? Will Brexit damage the UK's economy and the EU, contributing to a global recession? Where in the world might we see a major conflict or war?
The findings of this simulation will lead to a top 10 list for 2020 Global Risks, written by Wikistrat Lead Analyst and NYU IR Professor Maha Hosain Aziz, with support from the grad students in her Political Risk & Prediction course.
More updates coming soon. In the meantime, check out the NYU-Wikistrat list from last year: